

What is this?

This website (tawa) is a web redirector (a website that redirects to other websites) implemented in Jekyll (a static site generator) by Genevieve Clifford; this website is hosted on GitLab Pages. Tawa is a Toki Pona word that means “towards”.

Why do you need this?

My main website is hosted by my university, but I might want to change this in future. I want a persistent link to every webpage that won’t break if I change where I host. Also, I might need to share documents with participants that I host on that website, I’d rather have a link that looks like mun-tonsi.net/consent/phd-1 instead of cs.swansea.ac.uk/~gcli/research/phd/consent-form-1.pdf.

Do you trust that bit.ly (et al.) links won’t redirect you to malicious websites? I don’t! My apex domain (mun-tonsi.net) is mine, and matches my social media handles; I can also use meaningful paths (as seen above) in my links. I imagine there are self-hosted link shorteners, but that would involve spinning up a VPS, and I’d rather pay nothing (with this static site) than a small amount of money per month.